Of Rights and Poisons: Accountability of the Agrochemical Industry
The influence and reach of agrochemical transnational corporations (TNCs) have dramatically increased over the past few decades, leading to widespread adoption of input-intensive, chemical-based farming systems promoted by governments and the food industry.
Data source: PANAP
Toxic Blooms: Pesticide Impacts on Children in Tamil Nadu's Floriculture Industry
A report by PANAP highlights serious violations of children's rights within the floriculture sector in Tamil Nadu, underscoring the urgent need for government intervention and oversight by the National Human Rights Commission to address these issues.
Data source:
Field Survey: Use and impacts of pesticides in four countries in Asia
For over sixty years, farmers have faced constant exposure to toxic pesticides, leading to significant acute poisoning cases and long-term health issues that affect multiple generations. A 2020 systematic review estimated that approximately 385 million farmers and agricultural workers are poisoned by pesticides annually, resulting in around 11,000 fatalities.
Data source:
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